45 Memes About Raccoons That Aren’t Trash But Treasures

Published on 07/22/2022
45 Memes About Raccoons That Aren't Trash But Treasures

45 Memes About Raccoons That Aren’t Trash But Treasures

The raccoon is not everyone’s favorite animal, and that’s a given. Many people consider them vermin because they tend to be drawn to the foulest things around our house (i.e. garbage cans). “Trash pandas,” as we like to call them, aren’t universally adored, but there are lots of people who do. These garbage bandits are a huge hit on the internet. In German, they’re referred to as “wash-bears” because of the way they scamper around and use their hands like humans. Hence the creation of an Instagram account devoted to spreading raccoon memes that are both adorable and humorous. Here are a few of our personal faves that are sure to put a smile on your face!


We have a raccoon right away that we concur with! Although cringing is totally normal for all humans, that doesn’t make it any less comfortable. Therefore, we believe that everyone should heed and implement this counsel!

Pro Cringe

Pro Cringe

Cringe is, after all, nothing more than a symptom that we are afraid of not fitting in. We should all be proud of our uniqueness and revel in the fact that there are elements about us that are out of the ordinary. This meme has a lot of depth to it!

My Life, My Choice

Isn’t it frustrating when a friend or family member tells you that something you want to undertake isn’t a good idea? Try showing them this meme the next time something happens to you and see what happens.

My Life, My Choice

My Life, My Choice

If they’re laughing, they’ll let you off the hook for making the stupid decisions, too! Rocket Racoon from Guardians of the Galaxy could easily be heard saying this, or perhaps making it his life’s slogan.

Keep Swimming

This following one may be too relatable for some. There is no quick fix for getting yourself ready for the day ahead, but one thing we can suggest is creating a schedule.

Keep Swimming

Keep Swimming

This helps in the organization of your thoughts and the management of your work load. Avoid feeling like this raccoon and genuinely feel prepared for the day by doing this. If you’re feeling sluggish, have a cup of coffee!

Poor Panda

Well, there’s a first time for everything, and we’re sure you’ve never seen trash pandas cry before. Raccoons cry for many reasons, and we’d be lying if we said this hasn’t happened to us before.

Poor Panda

Poor Panda

It’s the worst feeling in the world to think that you’re annoying other people. Just keep in mind that there are a lot of others that feel the same way as you, so it’s not just you. Don’t allow your fears get the better of you; stay true to yourself!

Yeehaw vs. Hawyee

Despite the fact that our following post is part of a different meme format, it doesn’t make it any less humorous. How are you? “hawyee” is supposed to sound like that. Nobody has ever said that to a raccoon, though.

Yeehaw Vs. Hawyee

Yeehaw Vs. Hawyee

Perhaps it’s time to get started! One of the best parts of this meme is the raccoon’s genuine cowboy hat, which doesn’t look altered in any way. To put it another way: This little gentleman is anything but a “garbage panda.”

Too Truthful

Warning: There is a possibility of an existential crisis in this following extry. It is our sincere apologies if this happens to you. No one, living or dead, has ever expressed a desire to be born, which is a startling realization for anyone.

Too Truthful

Too Truthful

We believe you should use that as a source of inspiration in your daily life. You didn’t ask to be born, therefore it’s up to you to make the most of your time here on Earth. Instead, you’ll be able to give thanks for your birth!

Problematic Panda

For all their cuteness, you shouldn’t forget that raccoons can be real troublemakers, too. Just look at the expression on this one’s face if you don’t believe us — it’s definitely up to some mischief! We all have a friend like this one…

Problematic Panda

Problematic Panda

…no matter what you tell them, they always end up causing chaos and being the center of [troublesome] attention. Perhaps you should send them this meme to make them rethink any schemes they may be cooking up. Nobody likes to be friends with a troublemaker.

One Man’s Trash…

Linking in with the post above, if you consider yourself to be “trash,” don’t worry about it. After all, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” The goal is to find that other person who thinks you’re amazing. You can do it!

One Man’s Trash…

One Man’s Trash…

We also love how adorable this trash panda looks sitting in the garbage can. Who knew they could be so darn cute?! Whoever called this raccoon “trash” is completely heartless because he is nothing of the sort. He is our treasure!

Too Much

With the state of the world at the moment, sometimes it really feels like there’s just too much going on. We wish there were a way to slow things down and have some peace to gather our thoughts and just be.

Too Much

Too Much

It seems that these things are even affecting the raccoon — look at that expression in his eyes! Just remember that bad times are not forever, and we will be over the hill soon enough. Keep on powering through, and you’ll be there.


So far, we have seen many raccoons looking pretty cute — now it’s time to remind you of their real nature. This trash panda might look cute in a dress, but he’s ready to face off with the person who dressed them up!



Getting a bite from a raccoon can be pretty dangerous, so you should always go to a doctor to get it checked out. And remember that biting is something reserved for animals, not people — use your words, not your teeth!

Calm Down

One of the worst feelings during an argument is not the fight itself; it’s when someone tells us to “calm down.” Those two words always have the opposite effect and make us feel twice as angry instead. Stop saying this!

Calm Down

Calm Down

Clearly, this raccoon feels the same way as us, so you should take this as a note to never say “calm down” ever again. You never know which trash panda might be listening or how you will make the other person feel.

Blanky Mode

Now it’s time to jump back to our pictures of cute raccoons. We just love how adorable this one looks, and the phrase “blanky mode” matches its cuteness as well! It must’ve been difficult wrapping him up in it, though…

Blanky Mode

Blanky Mode

“Blanky mode” is the only way that we’re going to talk about going to sleep from now on. We hope that this little fella had a peaceful night’s rest. Remember to get at least 7 hours for a nice long rest.

Trash Taste

Here we have another hilariously relatable post for you! Many of us have questions about why some of our loved ones end up being so terrible. Well, wonder no longer — this raccoon has the answer for you. Check it out!

Trash Taste

Trash Taste

If you find yourself surrounded by bad people, you should take a long, hard look at yourself, as this is usually a reflection of your own personality. We’re not saying that you are trash, but it’s worth asking yourself anyway.

World Domination

There are all kinds of people in the world. For better or worse, there are some that want power. Of course, it’s not always sinister. Having a role that allows you to change the world for the better by ending hunger or reducing pollution is something we can get behind.

World Domination

World Domination

Of course, “with great power comes great responsibility,” so you should always be careful with your position. You could end up making some pretty serious mistakes that you are sure to regret. This raccoon doesn’t seem too worried about that.


This meme has been on the internet for a while, but there’s something slightly different about seeing a raccoon “say” it instead. Let this be a lesson to celebrate your flaws instead of hating them — it’s a great way to live!

Dys Fun Ctional

Dys Fun Ctional

We also want to say how much we love those sunglasses on this raccoon. Never before have we seen an animal look so stylish, so we doubt that there is anything dysfunctional about this gorgeous little fella. He’s pretty amazing!

Ignoring It

We have to put our hands up and admit that, sometimes, we are guilty of doing this — even though it can be pretty mean! Sometimes, there are those lectures that are so boring, you don’t want to pay attention to them.

Ignoring It

Ignoring It

That’s not a good way to be, and we are deeply sorry to anyone we’ve chosen not to listen to. At the same time, they should try to be a little less boring so that we don’t feel the need to ignore them!

Forgetful Friend

This next meme is perfect for when you don’t make a shopping list. No matter how hard you try, you always end up forgetting at least one or two things that you really need to get. It can be super frustrating!

Forgetful Friend

Forgetful Friend

The best part of this meme has to be the spelling mistake on “forgot.” We don’t know if it was intentional or not, but it really helps to make the raccoon appear like a child. It looks a lot angrier than a human child, though!

Live, Laugh, Love

Now it’s time for another existential crisis, thanks to this deep-thinking raccoon. Whenever we have to face something particularly challenging, we find ourselves asking a similar question to him. It’s important to remember that suffering is not going to last forever.

Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love

You never know when the good times are coming, and you should certainly be grateful when they do arrive. And don’t overlook the little things that life has to give. On another note, the word art font of this meme really makes it so perfect.

So True

You might think that this meme is stupid, but, to us, it’s so obvious that it’s hilarious! We wonder what other great insights this raccoon has for us —– perhaps something about it being hot when it is hot outside.

So True

So True

Only a true poet could put words together as beautifully as this raccoon did and still seem pretty darn hilarious at the same time. But with all that fur, we doubt that the raccoon would feel the cold the same way we do.


As we get older, one thing remains true — we feel ourselves getting more tired more easily. Perhaps it is because our workloads are increasing, or perhaps because our bodies are getting weaker. Whatever the reason, we’d like it to stop, please!



The best solution for this feeling of tiredness is to make sure to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet. Still, we’d love for tiredness to be normalized because it feels like so many of us feel this same way.

Live Fast, Die Young

Have you ever heard the phrase “live fast, die young”? Many use this as an answer to why they did silly or stupid things when they were young. Well, it appears that raccoons follow a completely different motto, and we’re not surprised…

Live Fast, Die Young

Live Fast, Die Young

Honestly, this is a message that we can get behind. Sure — eating healthy is always a good thing, but you should not forget to have fun and “eat trash” sometimes. After all, you only live once, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Vicious Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can feel pretty lonely, even more so if you have friends in relationships who are all making plans. You can think of Valentine’s Day as this raccoon does, and call being single as saving money…

Vicious Valentine’s Day

Vicious Valentine’s Day

But that doesn’t mean that you’re unlovable! You just haven’t found your significant other yet. But, until then, you can save a ton of money by not buying expensive gifts or restaurant trips on February 14th. Spend the money on chocolates for yourself.

Double the Pain

The COVID pandemic may only have started a couple of years ago, but it feels like its effects are going to last a lifetime. We feel exactly like this meme — drained both physically and mentally. This whole pandemic really took a toll on us.

Double The Pain

Double The Pain

If you’re feeling this way too, then you should make sure to give yourself some “me time.” Do the things that you normally enjoy doing and give yourself space to have fun. There’s no point in being serious all the time.

Louder and Louder

Here’s another meme that’s been going around for a while. As a kid, screaming is one of the ways that you show your emotions, but we sometimes feel like doing the same thing as adults. There’s too much going on!

Louder And Louder

Louder And Louder

Screaming can sometimes be a good way to let out your feelings, although we would recommend trying to find the source of your problems first. There is always a solution to things, and you will find it eventually, so keep on trying.

Tragic Clown

With this next meme, we have a raccoon with a rather different approach to things. It brings some people great relief to know that their struggles happen for a reason, even something as small as losing your keys in your purse. Have you ever wondered what that reason might be?

Tragic Clown

Tragic Clown

Well, according to this meme, it’s because we are the “most tragic of clowns” — ouch! It seems like a pretty funny meme at first glance, but we’re a little surprised at how deep this one hits us. It feels personal.

Nice Guy

If you haven’t seen it, there’s a reaction meme that says, “don’t care, didn’t ask, plus I hate you,” which people usually use when someone says something they dislike. This trash panda feels the exact opposite way, and we wish more people were like him!

Nice Guy

Nice Guy

You should always try to care about others and make sure that they are feeling good, as this is the only way to bring true happiness to them. Keep reminding your loved ones how much you love them and how they make you happy.

The Future

Thinking about the future can be pretty scary for all of us since none of us truly know what is going to happen. That uncertainty chills many people to the bone, but you know what? It’s okay not to know.

The Future

The Future

We should all take a page out of this raccoon’s book and accept that we don’t know what’s going to happen. That’s part of the beauty of the future — it’s so uncertain! So, let’s just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Annoying Apologies

We’ve already mentioned before how bad it feels to annoy other people. Honestly, the best thing that you can do is apologize to your loved ones and say you’ll do better in the future. Even if it’s not true, they’re sure to appreciate the little white lie.

Annoying Apologies

Annoying Apologies

They should be grateful that you apologized for being annoying and understood how your behavior affects others. That shows a lot of self-awareness and actually works to stop you from being so annoying to others. It’s truly a win-win situation for everyone!

A Little Gift

If you’re ever in an argument with a friend or family member, then you should try to remember this meme — we think it could really help you out. No matter how heated things get, peace is always the best choice.

A Little Gift

A Little Gift

Give yourself and the other person some time to calm down and sort your headspace out. Life is so short that arguing with those closest to you is simply not worth it. Aiming for peace is all the best that we can do.

Serotonin Deficiency

In this big, bad, scary world that we live in, it’s very easy to feel weighed down by all the negativity. It’s important to remember that we are the source of our own happiness, and we can get a boost through a special neurotransmitter…

Serotonin Deficiency

Serotonin Deficiency

This is called “serotonin” and is released by our brains. This raccoon is sorely lacking some of this chemical, and we can totally relate to that feeling! When we’re feeling down, sometimes a boost from a loved one is exactly the pick-me-up we need!

No More Situations

We feel so sorry for this trash panda — it seems like the weight of the world is constantly on his shoulders! Feeling at your limit is also known as “burnout,” and it’s pretty common for people to feel this way.

No More Situations

No More Situations

As this meme suggests, you should try to take yourself out of certain situations when you feel stretched thin. We wonder what made this raccoon feel like this — perhaps he, too, has some urgent work deadlines to meet. You can do it, little guy!

Cringe Acceptance

As we’ve already mentioned, the best way to start being happy is to begin with yourself. Accept all parts of yourself, from the positives to the cringe-worthy aspects. You will soon become a much freer person than when you first started out.

Cringe Acceptance

Cringe Acceptance

We’re not sure what could make a raccoon feel so cringe, though. Maybe it’s because he realized that eating trash is quite a sickening thing to do. But hey — that’s part of his nature, and we don’t blame him for it.

Happily Delusional

If life is getting you down too much, then perhaps you should follow the guidance of this trash panda and simply live in a delusion. Did feeling stressed about your workload? Just pretend it doesn’t exist! Worried about paying bills? Ignore them!

Happily Delusional

Happily Delusional

Obviously, we’re just joking, but you should know that there is nothing wrong with living in a little bit of a fantasy. A dash of delusion can help you get through a tough day, so there’s no harm in trying it every once in a while.

Small Problems

If you’re a particularly sensitive person, then you’ll know that even the smallest problems can feel absolutely massive. Even something as little as missing lunch can turn your day completely upside-down. However, there is a solution to feeling this way…

Small Problems

Small Problems

And that is to think about the bigger picture. Imagine yourself in a year’s time — will this tiny problem still affect you then? If you don’t think it will, then there’s no point in worrying about it now. It’s insignificant.

Relaxation Rules

If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, give yourself time to relax. Even before you start your day, try to take a few minutes to relax and wake yourself up slowly. There’s no need to exist so early in the day.

Relaxation Rules

Relaxation Rules

It’s better to gather your thoughts and worry about the right here, right now, instead of the day ahead of you. Celebrating those short “in-between” times is important if you want to become a happier person. Existence is totally overrated!

No More Thoughts

Of course, you could always try following this raccoon’s advice and wish for no more thoughts unless they are positive — or if they’re food-related! Naturally, negative thoughts have their place in life and are as equally valuable as positive thoughts.

No More Thoughts

No More Thoughts

Negative thoughts shouldn’t dominate your life, but it’s important not to shut these feelings out. Whatever reaction you’re having to something, it’s normal to feel angry or upset. Let the emotions out so that you can let the happiness in.

Words of Advice

You might think that raccoons are dirty creatures because they eat trash, but it’s for this simple reason that they are great. Raccoons and other animals that root around in our trash help keep the cycle of nature going. They happily eat our food waste instead of letting it rot in a landfill.

Words Of Advice

Words Of Advice

So, to all the trash pandas out there — thank you! Let this guy help you out with this advice and remind you that “can’t” shouldn’t exist in your vocabulary. You can do whatever you put your mind to if you try hard enough.

See You, Society

If the worst comes to worst, you could always copy this guy’s example and become a lone ranger. It sounds like such a sweet life — nobody else to bother you; just you and the animals on the ranch. Such bliss!

See You, Society

See You, Society

However, there’s a lot more to it than that. Being a lone ranger is a tough job, not only because of the physical work that you have to put into it. There’s also the constant desire for human companionship you’ll need to get over.

It’s FINE!

“Fine” has to be one of those words that means the exact opposite of its dictionary definition. Whenever someone says, “everything is fine,” you just know that things are far from being that way — they’re likely to be pretty hectic, disorganized, or just bad.

It’s FINE!

It’s FINE!

The worst thing is when someone keeps asking you if you’re okay because then you feel like screaming “I’M FINE” to them — just like the trash panda in the back of the meme. Strap on a smile and remember things will get better.

Mischievous Mommy

This one is another popular meme with a new format. Obviously, we do not support cyber-bullying in any form. Still, we are curious about who this raccoon is cyber-bullying. Perhaps a fox or another enemy is the victim this time.

Mischievous Mommy

Mischievous Mommy

Our favorite part of this meme is the Word Art and the AOL message system on the screen — that is certainly a throwback! It makes us feel so old that there are people out there who will not recognize this screen…

Too Full

After a long day of work, this meme pretty much sums up our entire feelings. There are just so many things to think about all the time that it feels like our minds are completely saturated. We want to make it stop!

Too Full

Too Full

If you ever catch yourself feeling this way, take some time to completely separate yourself from your responsibilities. You can try listening to calming music and meditating or even just kick back with a good book to sort out your headspace.

No Thoughts

We’ve all been here before, where you feel like switching off your brain to stop the thoughts from running. Yet even when you do, it feels like they keep coming, quick and unabated. What on earth can we do to stop it?!

No Thoughts

No Thoughts

Unfortunately, there is no easy fix to stop yourself from thinking and giving yourself an “empty head.” In fact, it’s pretty much impossible because your brain is always running — even when you are fast asleep. Instead of forcing your mind to be quiet, try relaxing instead.

Simple Existence

With all of that being said, one of the greatest ways to improve yourself is to remember that you don’t (and can’t) know everything. Accepting the fact that human intelligence is limited is one path to being happier with yourself.

Simple Existence

Simple Existence

It helps you to put to rest those thoughts that keep you up at night, as well as the terrifying nature of the future. Human beings are really very stupid, and it takes a genius to work out this fact. Just try existing!

I Forgot

It’s part of human nature to forget things, and this can be pretty frustrating at times. However, being forgetful can also be somewhat of a blessing, too, since you can forget about the bad times and put them behind you.

I Forgot

I Forgot

There will have been plenty of terrible things in your life that you have absolutely no recollection of, and that is good. So remember that forgetting is beneficial to you, and keep thinking positively. You can make it through the day!

An Easy Fix

Our final meme is one that we hope will fill you with joy. Overthinking comes naturally to us all, but it can be such a killer. There’s work, bills, relationships, food, the world…so many things to worry about with so little time to take care of it all!

An Easy Fix

An Easy Fix

If you find yourself feeling this way, then you should copy this trash panda and simply not think at all. That way, you won’t ever feel tired out from all those thoughts! Meditation and mindfulness are some of the best practices to achieve this.