The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Published on 05/07/2020

We all love a good chocolate chip cookie, right? For some of us, it was probably our favorite childhood treat. Did you know that the chocolate chip cookie was actually invented by accident? We can all thank a woman by the name of Ruth Wakefield from the United States of America, who created this much loved sweet treat during 1938. So actually this means that the chocolate chip cookie has actually been around for a real long time. There are so many different delicious ways to bake chocolate chip cookies. Take a look at this scrumptious and effortless recipe we’ve added for you to enjoy.

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The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies


½ cup of white sugar
3⁄4 cup of brown sugar
½ cup of melted butter
1 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour
1 egg
½ teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
4 oz milk chocolate chips
4 oz dark chocolate chips


Baking tray & parchment paper
A large mixing bowl
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
A whisk
An ice-cream scoop (but not a must)
Cooling rack


Preheat the oven to 350°F and then line a baking tray with parchment paper – set aside.
In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder. Following, cream together the butter and both sugars until all is well combined. Then beat in the egg and vanilla extract until it becomes nice and fluffy. Continue mixing in the dry ingredients Finally you can add 12 oz of the chocolate chips and make sure to mix well. Scoop the dough with an ice-cream scoop on the lined parchment paper, but be sure to space them evenly so the cookies can spread easily while baking. Place them in the oven for 12-15 minutes or until the cookies start to brown. Once you remove them from the oven, allow to cool completely. And lastly – enjoy!